
Quillen Visitor Entrance Telecom Stanford

J'son & Partners conducted "English language Language Learning Marketplace, 2021 ESL for Kids: Online-Schools and Trends" and estimated English language Learning Markets globally and in geographic regions (Europe, APAC, Latin America and MENA, including TOP half dozen countries with largest ESL markets), analyzed market drivers and trends and reviewed more than ninety global and local online schools operating on a footing of dissimilar business models, focused on a segment of children learning English online with a teacher.

1. EdTech Market Size, Drivers and Trends Global EdTech Market Size

Didactics is ane of the world'southward largest industries, making up more than 6% of Gross domestic product.

Global Education & Grooming expenditure from governments, companies and consumers totaled $v.4T in 2020 and volition rise to $7.3T by 2025(ane), and fifty-fifty more than than $10T by 2030(2).

i - science-market place/
2 - https://world wide

Such dramatic surge is largely driven by population growth(3) as well as continuing digitalization of educational activity all over the world, that will bring ane.two bn graduates more than than today (Yard-12 and post-secondary) and will require additional 100 1000000 teachers and educational infrastructure past 2030(four).

Global Education Engineering market (EdTech(5)) amounted less than 4% of the total Didactics expenditure in 2020 and will near double in 2025, from $227 bn till $404 bn (past conservative forecast, amounted 5% of the total Education expenditure).

3 - According to United Nations, the world's population will exceed 8.5 billion by 2030.
4 - Education in 2030. Five scenarios for the future of learning and talent.
five - EdTech is the combination of avant-garde technologies and digital tools facilitating and enhancing teaching and learning processes, ordinarily assessed as digital spend on hardware, software and engineering enabled services.

ane.two. Pandemic Impact as an unforeseen Game-Changer for EdTech

Above is adapted marketplace estimations fabricated by most authoritative pedagogy advisors in the industry due to obvious post-COVID changes, who witnessed accelerated market urge, representing a 2.5x growth or sixteen.3% CAGR, between 2019-2025.

Before-Corona EdTech prospects were more conservative because of existing inertia in the adoption of new forms of technology-enabled learning process(6).

half-dozen - Global EdTech Market to achieve $404B by 2025 - 16.3% CAGR. place-to-attain-404b-by-2025/

Though there is more ambitious scenario with $1T EdTech market estimation past 2026 and a xxx% CAGR (with 11% of the education market achieve) due to radical mail service-COVID foreseeable changes occurred.

Pandemic regime 2020 influenced from 1.4 to 1.6 bn(7) students and 2.six bn jobless, job-seeking or home-sitting workforce, and forced them online.

That unexpectedly formed additional twenty-twoscore% of the globe population massive market - home student and distant learners.

Fifty-fifty if post-pandemic trends smoothen the consequence and make market growth more linear and viable, client retentiveness rates allow for an over-optimistic outlook.

7 -

1.three. Global EdTech market trends

The global pandemic led to an increase in need for online education by 90% in the first few months of 2020, providing a rich opportunity for digital didactics suppliers to speed up the entering into the segment, and this trend will continue in 2021.

Among master EdTech market trends are:

- Public didactics is a central commuter of digital transformation in the industry.

The supply of advanced technologies for traditional educational activity will bulldoze the growth of the digitalization, too every bit cooperation of educational institutions with private companies, that will accelerate penetration of such digital tools and platforms.

- EdTech provide individual curriculum and verifiability instead of common standards

The current instruction system volition gradually change to brand the most of the advanced technologies, artificial intelligence and data scientific discipline infiltrating the education procedure, and amend come across the demands of the digital economy and the 4th industrial revolution, penetrating various industries. Bogus Intelligence will encourage personalized learning past allowing students to learn at their own pace, adapting content, testing assimilation charge per unit, and measuring progress.

- Educational activity standard prototype shift

Until today, the knowledge image could remain relevant for decades. Today, the "half-life" of bookish knowledge is up to ii-v years due to the rapid development and disruptions in IT and How-do-you-do-Tech. Information, textbooks and academic programs are increasingly condign outdated very fast.

Information technology creates army of lifelong learners in addition to students between iv and 22 y.o. and gives room for competency-based didactics in multiple subject field areas. To encounter the growing need for specific knowledge needs, traditional system must radically alter and emerge partnerships with private education providers specializing in narrow fields.

- Content creation accessibility

Formerly, educational content and courseware was created solely by Universities and big publishing houses.
Today, cosmos of educational content is now more hands accessible for different noesis distributors. A range of new online publishers and rental apps are now allowing for the publishing and sharing of content.

- The line between higher and corporate educational activity is blurring, and even more than between public and private education

There is huge potential for comeback of educational processes efficiency and enrollment rate increment in traditional didactics organization thanks to adoption of flexible combination of on-premise and online education supported by advanced learning technologies.

At the same fourth dimension, the era where public education dominated is over. Education will become a highly competitive marketplace with a multi-billion client base of lifelong learners.

- Successfully counterbalanced digital education organization in the land will bring the all-time return on Gross domestic product

- "The strongest brand in the world is non Apple or Mercedes-Benz or Coca-Cola. The strongest brands are MIT, Oxford, and Stanford" (viii)

viii - The Coming Disruption Scott Galloway predicts a handful of aristocracy cyborg universities will shortly monopolize college didactics.

That is why big-tech companies volition eventually enter pedagogy. Now with mail service pandemic financing shortage and digitalization benefits, universities volition be able to expand enrollment dramatically with support of tech companies also. The tech company would be responsible for scaling, promotion, advertising and the online and digital infrustructure part. The university would be responsible for the accreditation, brand, faculty, skilled workforce and enquiry works for corporates. That may eventually stop upwards in edifice trillion dollars companies in the fields of Ed + Tech.

1.4. Social problem solving

Online learning tin solve a number of electric current social problems. Such as student tuition debts, availability of education for disadvantaged families, access to high-qualified teachers in regions where the educational grade is poor, or teachers are not that much qualified.

There is a fulfilling of skills "gap" function of online learning for actual market place and employers needs in terms of digital skills in different areas, where universities exercise non have opportunity yet to provide relevant instruction.

Moreover, digital administration and diverse technology tools can provide more opportunities for students with disabilities, including distance learning in a comfortable environment, on a par with the class.

two. English equally Second Language market research focused on the children segment

ii.1. ESL Market Summary

- J'son & Partners Consulting estimated Global Language Learning market at $55 bn (or 21% of EdTech market) with 1,vii bn users' audience in 2021.

- ESL Market is a largest part (fourscore%) of Language Learning market with $ 44 bn size.

- Online ESL is estimated at $ ten bn (or 22% of Full ESL market). ESL for children market is estimated at $iii bn which is 32% of Online ESL in 2021.

- One of the major factors assisting the growth of the global English language learning market is its adoption as a global linguistic communication, as it is beingness spoken by almost 20% of the global population. The market place is highly B2C dominated, with some cases of C2C presence showing up, where the platform acts as an enabler for students and teachers to interact.

- Some other strongest market driver is accessibility of worldwide educational programs of world-class available online, besides equally loftier demand for special STEM(9), Information technology and coding knowledges.

- Growing adoption of the online language learning apps, availability of short- and long-term pricing plans, and drop in internet data costs are some of the major factors supporting the growth of this segment.

9 - STEM - Science, Technology, Applied science, Mathematics

Research Objectives:

- To analyze EdTech and ESL market drivers, trends and barriers.

- To estimate Language Learning Markets and English Language Learning Markets (ESL) – globally and in regions (Europe, APAC, Latin America and MENA).

- To clarify biggest online English language Learning Schools.

- To analyze competitive landscape of online ESL companies in European countries.

- ESL – English-as-a-2d Language.

- ESL for Kids focused on 4 – 14 y. o.

J'son & Partners estimated English language Learning Markets globally and in geographic regions (Europe, APAC, Latin America and MENA) and analyzed more than 90 global and local online schools operating on a basis of different business models, focused on a segment of children learning English online with a teacher. J'son & Partners also estimated TOP 6 countries with largest ESL markets.

J'son & Partners created a bottom up marketplace revenue model which was checked elevation downwardly. The model has estimations for:

- Full ESL learning market inclusive of offline and online,

- ESL online for adults and children,

- ESL online for children,

- and ESL online for children with a teacher.

The model estimates a number of users and ARPU for each segment past country on a footing of  revenues and user numbers reported past the companies.

The superlative downwardly model takes into consideration the number of English learners by country, number of children, percentage of ESL from the EdTech markets, GDP, country spend on instruction, percentage of education being digitalized. J'son & Partners collected and analyzed macroeconomics, land level market place estimations, companies' information, likewise as supporting public materials and sources.

  • Content

English Language Learning Market place, 2021. ESL for Kids: Online-Schools and Trends

Table of Content

one.Education Technologies market size, drivers and trends

1.1. Global EdTech Market Size
1.ii. Pandemic Impact as an unforeseen Game-Changer for EdTech
1.3. Global EdTech Venture Capital Investment in EdTech
1.4. Marketplace segments and educational supply chain
1.5. EdTech suppliers and market segmentation
1.half dozen. Global EdTech marketplace trends
1.7. EdTech Market Size by Region, $ bn, 2020-2025

List of Figures

Effigy 1. Global Education & Training Expenditure, USD Trillion
Figure 2. EdTech spend volition nearly double in the next 5 years, USD Billion
Figure 3. Global EdTech market size, USD Billion
Figure 4. Growth of online learning Earlier-Corona and Subsequently-Dicease
Figure five. Number of learners impacted by national schoolhouse closures worldwide
Figure 6. Global Pedagogy Venture Capital Funding 2010-2020, USD Billion
Figure 7. Didactics cycle and supply chain

2. English as 2d Linguistic communication market inquiry focused on the children segment

2.1. European Companies Analyzed (Alphabetical Lodge)
two.2. The number of ESL companies we analyzed in Europe
2.3. Companies in Prc
2.4. Companies in Republic of korea
ii.five. Companies in India
2.half dozen. Companies in Latin America
2.7. Companies in MENA
2.8. Companies in Russia
2.ix. Companies in Germany
2.x. Companies in Poland
two.eleven. Companies in Spain
2.12. Companies in France
2.13. Companies in Italy
ii.fourteen. Companies in Turkey
ii.15. Global EdTech, Language Learning and ESL Markets Breakup, 2021
two.xvi. EdTech and ESL Markets past regions, 2018 and 2021
2.17. ESL Market place Online + Offline (Adults and Children), 2021
2.18. EdTech Market Size past Region, $ bln, 2020-2025
2.19. APAC ESL Market Online + Offline (Adults and Children), 2021
2.20. APAC ESL Market Online + Offline (Adults and Children), $ mln / mln users
two.21. Lat America ESL Market Online + Offline (Adults and Children), 2021
two.22. MENA ESL Market Online + Offline (Adults and Children), 2021
2.23. Europe ESL Market Online + Offline (Adults and Children), 2021
ii.24. ESL Market place Online + Offline (Adults and Children)
2.25. Ranking of countries and regions by English language skills, 2020
ii.26. Global Insights of countries and regions past English skills
2.27. EdTech Market Summary
2.28. India – summary
2.29. Chinese competition
2.30. Top ESL market numbers
2.31. 100+ EdTech Companies Transforming Learning
2.32. Superlative Russia & CIS EdTech companies
2.33. ESL Market place Structure
2.34. ESL Market Classification
ii.35. ESL Market Pricing
2.36. ESL marketplace price distribution
2.37. ESL Companies (online platform'due south) commissions, min%- max%
2.38. ESL Global Market Trends
ii.39. Online ESL Market Trends
2.xl. ESL Market Barriers
two.41. Online ESL Schools Marketplace Barriers
2.42. ESL Advanced Tech
2.43. ESL Avant-garde Education Technologies
2.44. ESL European Marketplace
ii.45. English Proficiency Index in Europe
2.46. Share of children 0-14 in Europe, % of country population
2.47. Share of English speakers in Europe by country
2.48. ESL Market size by land in Europe (online + offline), $ mln
2.49. ESL for children market place size by land in Europe (online + offline), $ mln.
ii.l. ESL for children market place size by country in Europe (online), $ mln.
2.51. Online ESL Marketplace Trends in Europe
2.52. Online ESL Schools European Market Barriers
2.53. Online ESL Schools European Market place Barriers
2.54. Online ESL Schools European Marketplace Barriers
2.55. Online ESL Schools European Market place Barriers
2.56. Ranking by Number of Paying Students in APAC
ii.57. Ranking by Number of Paying Students in Latin America
two.58. Ranking past Number of Paying Students in Heart E
ii.59. Ranking by Number of Paying Students in Middle


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